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Posted 02-10-2009 at 10:04 AM by OddjobAbe
I'm happy to hear about the return of Jason, but fear that the cinema may be too busy on Friday, so I'll have a drive down to see if it is busy, then decide whether to see it then or another day.
My hopes for this remake aren't too high, as I'd like to avoid disappointment. Newline screwed up twice, they can do it again.
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Oh, deer.

Posted 01-18-2009 at 06:37 AM by OddjobAbe
Well, after introducing my youngest nephew to Bambi, I've just realised that a lot of the musical stuff I've made up has been slightly influenced by small parts from the soundtrack. Really, something I never realised.

Anyway, was I the only person born who wasn't affected by his mother's death scene? I was on about how I'd not seen the film for years, and the three people in the room with me (Emily, my brother, and my best friend) all said that that scene upset them. They've spread...
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I think I may more of a happy person than I thought.

Posted 12-29-2008 at 12:26 PM by OddjobAbe
I thought I was a miserable little tosser (and that may well remain), but if I listen to a corny song or songs that are supposed to be emotional, I find myself overwhelmed with a feeling of pride (of what I don't know), and find myself picking up an instrument and playing along to something a lot more lively or bouncy. I am trying to figure out whether this means I'm trying to rid myself of depressing thoughts whilst retaining my 'maunginess', I'm much more happy than I thought, or that I'm going...
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Posted 12-08-2008 at 10:22 AM by OddjobAbe
I just bought a vintage electric bass from 1963 worth about £1500 for £700 off my best friend. Dropped on or what? I've just got a bad feeling that if I leave my brother alone around it, he'll break it. I must keep my eye on him!

In other news, my little nephew bought condoms from a public toilet thinking that they were glow-sticks. He was sorely disappointed with these 'rubbishy balloons'.
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Holy shit, this is fucking awesome

Posted 09-03-2008 at 10:25 AM by OddjobAbe
I was listening to Mr. Bungle's 'Walkin' in Circles'. Say what you want, I think it's awesome. The sax parts are great. And funnily enough, the live performance is more catchy than the studio recording.

Continue reading...
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Damn that pudding to Hell

Posted 08-26-2008 at 10:41 PM by OddjobAbe
Last night at about six-ish, my wife made a pudding. It burnt the top of my mouth. I can still feel it. It isn't very nice.
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Posted 08-25-2008 at 04:46 AM by OddjobAbe
Updated 08-25-2008 at 10:02 AM by OddjobAbe
Guess who pulled out Abe's Exoddus after four months? I ventured into that strange little place to free all of the Mudokons again, and almost did it (again, for the third time to be precise). Finished with five of the little buggers left. Talk about a kick in the teeth.
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Holy shit, that's fucking awesome.

Posted 08-21-2008 at 11:47 PM by OddjobAbe
I just bought a Thelonious Monk CD from the Primo collection (Midnight Monk to be exact), and it is awesome. I had a very old LP with a lot of the tracks on a very long time ago, but it is even better than I remember (and the remastered tracks sound great).

My only complaint is that the case fell to bits as soon as I opened it.

Also bought Charles Mingus' album 'The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady', which came with a few tracks from 'Mingus Plays Piano' on CD. That's awesome...
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I could kill myself.

Posted 08-21-2008 at 02:59 AM by OddjobAbe
I sneezed partway through a good film (the name of which I cannot remember) and missed what the character said. Damn.
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Fucking Awesome Again

Posted 08-18-2008 at 12:07 PM by OddjobAbe
I win. Excellent. Not bad going. Et cetera.

You have either hit the back button on your browser or are sat here thinking 'what are you on about you imbecile, Sam?'.

I will explain:
Some young little shit (approximately around 14 years of age) was stealing the caps that seal the wheels of my car (forget what they call them) whilst I watched for several seconds (he was unaware of my presence). I decided to wait until he was taking the third one, and then I unlocked...
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