
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs

Don't you hate it when people post obnoxious text at the top of their blog and you have to scroll past it every time you want to read what they've posted? Man, I really hate that.

Is dead

Posted 05-14-2008 at 02:58 AM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:55 PM by Splat
Following my first ever blog entry last night about how incredibly tired I was, I was then awake until after quarter to five cus of drunken students talking, playing Bob Marley and giggling inanely outside my window, by which point it was light and the birds were waking for the day. Seriously, for about an hour one of them kept making this noise like a racing car going past or a really butch cat and then a girl would giggle more annoyingly than the most contrived-to-be-annoying-cartoon-giggle you...
Posted in Life
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Is exhausted

Posted 05-13-2008 at 03:41 PM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:54 PM by Splat
It's a bit of a random topic for a first blog entry, but I've been meaning to start posting here for a while and hopefully once I get started this'll become a place for me to just post my thoughts and feelings. (Expect some anti-windows rage any day now)
It's good to share.

Right now I just feel totally exhausted. Its half past midnight and I've had a busy afternoon; I've been to a barbeque (my first of the year ) that involved me meeting a friend at his house at 6 this...
Posted in Life
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