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Don't you hate it when people post obnoxious text at the top of their blog and you have to scroll past it every time you want to read what they've posted? Man, I really hate that.

The n00b shal inherit teh Erth

Posted 03-07-2009 at 02:16 AM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:49 PM by Splat
Because conversations with n00bs is a vital part of OWF life, dating back from a memorable conversation Dino once had with some girl of MSN...

I was playing an online game with a chatroom attachment. A guy with a number for a name came over and made the usual introductions, asking me how long I'd been playing, what rank I was and so on. Eventually he got around to asking my place of origin...

5672: Where you from?
Me: England
5672: Whats it like there?...
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So long, so long, so long, so long, so long...

Posted 09-12-2008 at 05:05 PM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:46 PM by Splat
Right, I'm off.
Tomorrow (ok, today; it's almost 2am now) I leave home to begin my gap-year (just moving up the country, not going abroad or anything).

For the next week I suspect that I'll have no internet (though I don't know for certain) but following that I will most likely have greatly less online time than I have had for the six years since I joined here. I will be around when I can be (since OWF is about the only site on the internet that my laptop will run without crashing...
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Grey ships pass...

Posted 07-26-2008 at 10:45 AM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:46 PM by Splat
I'm Sam. I just watched Frodo sail away on a ship, never to see him again, leaving me standing on the shore.

An analogy aided by the fact that my name really is Sam, but for those who don't speek Geek, my very best friend, the best I've had in my life, who I've known since I was ten (that's nine years) is moving to New Zealand tomorrow, the opposite side of the Earth, and I've just said goodbye to him for the final time. I might not ever see him in the flesh again.

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Life Update and all that Jazz...

Posted 07-21-2008 at 01:43 AM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:45 PM by Splat
This is just an announcement of what's going on in my life right now.
At this moment I'm away from home in a city which is about two hours from my home town. I'm up here for a week (from last Friday to next Friday) working at a Christian-run Holiday Centre for kids aged 8 to 13. They hold camps for the kids, split into two age groups, which run for either a weekend or about five days; since it's summer they're having a series of longer camps and right now it's the second day of the first camp....
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New Classic Horror (potential webcomic by me?)

Posted 07-14-2008 at 06:52 PM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:49 PM by Splat
The other day I got the urge to randomly begin drawing classic figures from horror fiction and film in the style of my comics for Mod Survivor Island.

Several hours tinkering gave me...
(This was supposed to show the picture embedded, but it doesn't seem to be working)

I've considered making a comic with these guys, though I haven't had many ideas for it as of yet....
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Posted 06-26-2008 at 01:42 PM by Splat
Updated 04-23-2010 at 04:03 PM by Splat
Fcuk is, for those who don't know, a British fashion company (the name stands for French Connection United Kingdom) whose name, as you may have guessed, is deliberately intended to attract intention by making casual passers-by mistake it for a very rude word.

This has, over the years, created a lot of controversy. It also serves to alienate a lot of customers; I know several people who don't like buying their stuff because the name insults them. This surely can't help their profits;...
Posted in The Universe
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Top Ten Best Jobs Ever Conceived by Man

Posted 06-25-2008 at 07:25 AM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:52 PM by Splat
First thing I should have said when I first posted this is that its largely based on an article on a strange and distant website. I made it in a flash of plagiaristic inspiration and have since been sorely tempted to delete it (mainly from shame) but instead it will remain here for the sake of posterity. Basically the same reason I haven't deleted that dreadful old story I wrote...

Top Ten Jobs of all time:

10) OWF Admin
(Cus everybody wants to be an OWF admin....
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Office Spaces are very wonderful these days...

Posted 06-05-2008 at 02:05 PM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:57 PM by Splat
They say things come in spades.
Though the only things I've known to come in spades is mud or sand, and only then it's only for a few feet before it starts coming by air.
(There was a point to the above comment but it has temporarily escaped my memory.)

It's odd (prepare for a thoughtful post here guys); I lived alone in a small room for 9 months and never really felt lonely (except on the first day or two). Now I'm home and my mum and step-dad are going on holiday for...
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Procrastination revelation of the Nation.

Posted 05-31-2008 at 02:00 PM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:55 PM by Splat
Going home from uni for the Summer tomorrow and I really need to pack my stuff.

Anyone got a clever-sounding scientific explanation of why I'm not packing?
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Chocolate Gateau (to be taken with whimsey)

Posted 05-27-2008 at 02:26 PM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:55 PM by Splat
Alright, my Cell Group (Bible study group) held its meeting at my house (or rather, in my room since it's the only part of the house I live in) today, and since it's two of our members' birthdays this week, our leader brought along a chocolate gateau to celebrate.

Between the eight of us there, we ate about two thirds and since I was hosting I kept the rest, rather than people try to shift it across the city out of its packaging. However, having eaten a fair portion of it myself, I'm...
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