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Don't you hate it when people post obnoxious text at the top of their blog and you have to scroll past it every time you want to read what they've posted? Man, I really hate that.

I have been summoned to jury duty Part 2

Posted 05-18-2010 at 09:38 AM by Splat
Yesterday I received an envelope telling me the date of my Jury Duty amongst other information. I don't know how much I'm actually allowed to say, but it'll start in the first half of June, so I have a few weeks to brace myself.

The duty (for lack of a better word) will be expected to last ten days to two weeks (some places in the booklet say ten days, others say two weeks) and if I get a really short trial they'll put me on another. It will only be longer than that if I get a trial...
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Bzzing lamps...

Posted 05-03-2010 at 08:35 AM by Splat
To understand all that follows, you must also understand that my bed, which I've had since I was young, is basically like a bunk bed but with the top bunk only, so you get more floor space underneath, which is good when you're ten and have the smallest room in the house.

It looks a lot like this...
(The bin and the wall banner are about the same age as the bed - and I didn't...
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I just watched Avatar...

Posted 04-27-2010 at 04:58 PM by Splat
Updated 04-27-2010 at 05:03 PM by Splat
...on my new laptop. First film I've watched using it. (Actually, the credits are playing right now - the credits song is rubbish). Laptop performed well; I'm quite pleased with it

I actually think I enjoyed the film more on the small screen than in 3D at the cinema; there, the visuals just distracted too much. It's a very pretty film, but I think the visuals were just overpowering on the big screen, let alone in 3D. The story actually performed better when you're not oohing and...
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I have been summoned to jury duty

Posted 04-14-2010 at 04:40 AM by Splat
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Laptop Mitosis

Posted 03-25-2010 at 03:37 PM by Splat
Updated 04-14-2010 at 04:41 AM by Splat
I had a Master Plan, which involved earning money from now until Christmas and buying myself a new laptop around that time, since my old one was getting a bit... gimpy.

However, all of these plans were scuppered last night when my old laptop attempted mitosis and found that it only really works for single-celled organisms. Less basically, the plastic case at the bottom broke and a little metal bar that fixed the left hinge connecting the screen and the keyboard side lost its anchorage,...
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New Cameras and Folded Pizzas

Posted 03-10-2010 at 05:00 PM by Splat
Updated 03-10-2010 at 05:15 PM by Splat
Today I got this year's first birthday present, a week early; my mum bought me a camera (it is the most expensive present she's even brought me; as a general rule, anything over £100 I have to save up for and buy myself, but I'm reaching the MANLY age of 21 this year, so she offered to buy me something more expensive .)

Here is a picture of said camera. (If you can think of a better way of taking a photo of a camera using the camera, I'd like to hear it!)
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Today I Bought some Flat-Packed Furniture and my Mum Cooked a Peasant

Posted 02-22-2010 at 02:01 PM by Splat
Sorry, pheasant (sorry). Someone she knows gave it to her around Christmas and she finally plucked up (hahahaha) the courage to take it out of the freezer and cook it. She has a whole anecdote based around that process.
So now I can add pheasant to the list of foods I have eaten.

Pheasant is kinda dry, but tastes a lot like duck. As with chicken, the tastiest bits are the legs.

The same woman also gave mum a rabbit, but my stepdad won't eat rabbit as...
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What I did on my Holidays

Posted 02-07-2010 at 02:50 PM by Splat
Photos from my visit to the country that is known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordanboi

Roman temple in Jerash, which is basically a ruined Roman city (some of its buildings have been rebuilt).

Hear is me in the entrance to a huge temple at the top of the Lost City of Petra. This thing is at the top of a really narrow gorge, on a plateau near the top of these desert...
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Posted 01-22-2010 at 12:32 PM by Splat
Updated 04-14-2010 at 04:41 AM by Splat
I'm going to Jordan for two weeks' holiday.

I might be able to get online a little bit during this period. Dunno. Might post some photos when I get back.

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The History of Oranges

Posted 01-21-2010 at 04:40 AM by Splat
Updated 05-02-2011 at 02:46 PM by Splat
A Brief and Concise History of the Orange and its Impact upon Human Society

The orange (citrum sinensis) is a much unappreciated fruit common in today's society. Few today appreciate the importance of this rotund, fleshy hesperidium.

As is well known, the orange was of course invented by the Spanish in the year of our Lord 1182 AD. Following its invention by Spanish scientist and explorer, Armen The Discoverer, it was initially used for many years as a ball...
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