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Just some strange girl who admires puns and whines about everything.

Being 18

Posted 03-18-2014 at 08:42 PM by Job McYossie
I thought being 18 was supposed to feel special? Other than not being quite as depressed though, I feel no different. Well anyways, I'm glad I haven't really changed.
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Game Design

Posted 02-20-2014 at 05:31 AM by Job McYossie
I've been into game design for some time now. Originally, I was a graphic designer for a group, but that was a few years ago. Now I actually make game completely alone in some of my spare time. I feel like I'm super late though. Anyone else around my age who is into game design already has an engine they like to use and are good with.

I'm not going to stop trying, it's just a little disheartening constantly trying and feeling like you're getting no where. It's nice to see other people...
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Day Forty Six: Unexpected Plans (Special OWF Edition!)

Posted 01-10-2014 at 08:31 PM by Job McYossie
So first of all, I have been informed about the recent blog system, so after this post, the daily blogs will be posted in groups, and not be posted here daily.

So the title may seem weird. Why is this a OWF special? Well because I didn't address in my main blog what really happened today. I did this because of a particular person that follows my blog that was involved in today's ventures.

This is the Original post:
So last minute of school, my friend and I make
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I blog elsewhere as well.

Posted 01-09-2014 at 08:54 PM by Job McYossie
I figured since I already do daily blogs, I might as well do some here too. I'm at day forty five.

I spent a good portion of my day cleaning the area around my desk for my new monitor and tower. One little desk. So many electronics. I should be receiving my new tower by saturday. My plans are to immediately install Skyrim and just jack up the graphics as high as I can. The water is just beautiful. The next portion of my day was spent walking with my mother to the store. We were supposed...
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