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Brace yourselfes

Posted 04-22-2010 at 03:58 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:29 AM by Phylum
My braces went on today. I was originally having them put on ~2 months ago, but couldn't make the appointment due to illness.

I've been a state of reasonable pain for the last hour-and-a-half. Fuck.

That is all.
Posted in Crap
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Posted 03-12-2010 at 01:56 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:30 AM by Phylum
I was watching the news last week when an AD for a Current Affairs program came on. I like to listen to the outrageous and mis-proportioned crap they'll be convincing people about, so I actually paid attention, which is more than I can say for most ADs. They spoke of a shop that wouldn't hire 'white' people, and this was reverse-racism...

My dad and I had a nice laugh at the stupidity of the concept! Racism is discrimination against one for their race, so reverse-racism isn't!...
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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I have become comfortably numb

Posted 02-02-2010 at 06:22 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:31 AM by Phylum
I just had 2 teeth pulled. After some mildly painful needling in the roof of my mouth, I felt nothing. 4 hours on, my face is still numb.

I'm having another 2 pulled in a fortnight. A few weeks after that, I'm having bands put on. This will be an issue, due to my flute. It'll be hard to cope, but I'll just have to work harder. It will improve my tone in the long term, so it'll be worth it

The main issue is that I'm auditioning for the schools senior concert band sometime...
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Posted 05-14-2009 at 02:10 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:32 AM by Phylum
Hindsight is a bitch.

When you know you've done something wrong, the last thing you want is your subconscious telling you how you could have done it better.

If there is no way to change the past, why do we linger on it so.....
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