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A Declaration Of War

Posted 03-13-2016 at 09:59 AM by Slog Bait
Updated 03-13-2016 at 10:36 AM by Slog Bait
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Posted 04-15-2015 at 03:03 AM by Slog Bait
Office politics are one thing I can't stand. I've only been working a short while and I'm reminded of why school made me so miserable. It's the same thing all over again. My bosses think I'm a childish moron because I'm level headed and don't freak out when the going gets rough, and my coworkers are all cliquey as fuck drug addicts. AMAZING



also i dare them to tell me im not doing...
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Posted 11-21-2014 at 11:01 AM by Slog Bait
I was never really big on discussing personal life etc in public so it took a lot of convincing myself to start writing this much less post it. This will likely be the last time for a really long time, if ever again.

Got a job, but numerous complications are getting in the way and I'm worried I won't be able to keep it for more than a month if even that

Laptop is a heap of scraps that turns on once in a blue moon and isn't even worth the time and money to fix
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h e l p

Posted 08-24-2014 at 08:22 AM by Slog Bait
Updated 03-13-2016 at 10:41 AM by Slog Bait
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Posted 08-07-2014 at 02:33 PM by Slog Bait
Oh man I'm so excited because every time I go to check OWF now there's at least a little activity everywhere and new people a fair amount of new people hi new people thank you NNT


I need to start posting more Oddworld related art because FC isn't completely dead anymore
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What a strange dream

Posted 07-27-2014 at 05:27 PM by Slog Bait
I had various dreams last night, but one of them is very relevant to this forum while not being relevant at all somehow.

In said dream, I was flying somewhere, I dunno where but it was definitely somewhere. There was a break in the flight, so I had to hang out in some unknown middle eastern/southern asian country for awhile and everything was all fine and dandy. I actually question the exact location, but hey, dreams, you know?

Anyway, for weeks before I took this...
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What do I doooooo

Posted 11-04-2013 at 06:21 PM by Slog Bait
We're pretty certain my cockatiel is egg bound and I don't know what to do and I'm not sure if we can take her in to fix it because my family's in such a horrible situation financially we can barely afford the roof over our head much less treatment/potential surgery for her, especially if we have to pay up front

I understand everything has to die at some point but this would be such a horrible fucking death for her. With how she is I would have expected her to break her neck or impale...
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Hurr hurr Cupid's Really Been Getting Around Lately

Posted 08-18-2013 at 12:12 PM by Slog Bait
Hahaha fuck ur blogwagon

Anyways... there was a person that I had a pretty big crush on for a little over half a year now, and I was ultra subtle about it for a really long time (no really, no one had any fucking idea I was even interested in someone. caught ALL the bitches off guard), but then one day while I was talking to them they got obscenely clingy and affectionate out of no where and I was really confused but I couldn't complain and then they turned out to be one of the most...
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Posted 05-27-2013 at 12:38 AM by Slog Bait
So my laptop is literally breaking, I've got $4.08 to my name, my parents are in such a tight spot they can't even spare a measly dollar, I can't get a damn job, no one's been commissioning me so I can't even get the ONLY item I need to open an Etsy shop or something, and because of a fuckup on my parents part I'm no longer considered a student and the government wants me to start paying back my loans in June. They're asking for a reasonable amount per month but the problem here is I have no way...
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Posted 03-11-2013 at 05:51 PM by Slog Bait
So, last weekend I went to Emerald City Comic Con, and I had intended to blog about this sometime last week but that totally didn't happen because I spent the entire rest of the week hanging out at a friends place while waiting for my flight out of Seattle on the 8th. I find it kind of interesting how when I'm within the same vicinity of someone I'm actually comfortable interacting with my online life becomes almost nonexistent.

Anyways, it was definitely an experience. Waited for...
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