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The Nail in the Coffin

Posted 05-02-2013 at 11:37 AM by STM
Updated 05-02-2013 at 11:47 AM by STM
Turns out Lorne is now bigging up Nigel Farage. For those of you who are unfamiliar with who he is, Nigel is our resident demagogue, he's an ultra- right wing racist who wants us out of the EU, he has no economic sense and in the flier I got through the door about why we should elect UKIP as our local party - I was amused to find they had just a single policy which was written in big bold white letters: KEEP THE BULGARIANS OUT OF BRITAIN. ONLY UKIP IS TAKING THIS THREAT SERIOUSLY.

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Boston Terrorist Attack

Posted 04-15-2013 at 01:14 PM by STM
Jesus Christ, we don't have any members living in Boston do we? Fucking disgusting.

For those of you not aware, Boston just faced - I think - three terrorist attacks.
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Posted 04-04-2013 at 05:10 PM by STM

I love you all, in the butt.

Unfortunately that's the biggest I could make it, the original had a width of 5000~.

If you're not in this one, stop lurking so much.
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Posted 04-02-2013 at 04:20 PM by STM

No but seriously. I got bored...and I can't sleep, so I drew this...

I might actually do another 'proper' one with everyone in the whole forum included...just need to stalk through the WDYLL thread and get a rough likeness for everyone. >w>

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Opinions Please!

Posted 03-27-2013 at 04:40 PM by STM
I actually feel a little stupid at the moment. I had something planned for a while now - basically a news blog that puts a comedic skew on current stories trending across the media. It was going to be broadly political but now I just feel like I'll be copying OANST by releasing it, also I'll probably get lazy and give up after about a month like I did with my Tumblr blog which quickly fell into the mists of internet failure. Nevertheless, I'd like to share something I wrote and get people's opinions....
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The Quest for Work

Posted 03-13-2013 at 12:40 PM by STM
Yo yo yo yo yo yo



So, three months left before I grad-yee-ate from sixth form, can't wait to get out to be honest, leave behind the alcoholics, the fakers, the don't-give-but-takers. Any way, almost at the point where I'll be shipping off to university, providing I get the grades. I need AAB and I have AAC after improving upon my E in Microeconomics by a measly 6 UMS marks, effectively failing 1/2 my economics AS for a second time in a row....
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Posted 02-20-2013 at 02:19 PM by STM
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Universities and People

Posted 02-13-2013 at 01:21 PM by STM

Today I went on an ungodly trek up north into Leicester for a visiting day held for everyone accepted into the university. There were two objectives for today: number one, get a taste for the university and see if it really is the place for me. Number two, socialise with like-minded people and try to strike up a few friendships, god knows I could use some more friends that aren't always stoned or living outside of the country.

The university is amazing, that much...
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The Grim Problem of Existence

Posted 01-21-2013 at 02:23 PM by STM
Depressing title for a not so depressing blog.

As a couple of people might or might not know, I am planning on going to university. Very, very excited about that because it's an opportunity to meet so many new, interesting people and actually learn something I'm interested in without having to do bull shit alongside it.

Minor set back, turns out I can't afford to go. Yay! Even with the loans I can get I'm still £15,000 short over the three years. Subsequently, it looks...
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We are being Bombarded by fake Profiles

Posted 01-02-2013 at 05:36 PM by STM
I want to molest them with sexual private messages.
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