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Some Things, I Thought the Blog Page was nearly Dead Anyway

Posted 12-09-2015 at 10:34 AM by STM
Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:58 AM by STM
Why are we infracting people for going off topic now? The place is dead, you wanna stimulate conversation, not penalise it.

I'm getting more and more into politics and slipping further and further towards the radical left. I've been considering going to rallies to listen to Jeremy Corbyn and I've generally been just turned on to politics, like there's an alternative to Conservative bull shit. I dunno, just been kinda flirting with the idea of doing something bigger than me.
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Train Fares and Pregnancy Scares

Posted 08-12-2015 at 03:37 PM by STM
Hey ho!

Been a little while since I've blogged anything here. You ever get to a point where there's so much going on in your life you don't know where to start untangling it all? That's where I'm at right now, but while I've got a minute and some will to pen down my thoughts, I figured I may as well do so. Especially since it's always cathartic throwing down my emotions here.

I've been working in North London for a while now on a housing project my drylining company...
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I was single for like half an hour

Posted 05-07-2015 at 09:49 AM by STM
So I broke up with my girlfriend of almost two years.

It really sucked, at the end of it all she loved me more than I loved her and whilst she was willing to just pretend everything was fine the fact was that after a year of long distance with no prospect to see each other at least until 2016, it seemed best to let her go. The worst thing about it all was how she unintentionally guilt tripped me when I explained my reasoning, how she still loved me, and how she'd never met anyone...
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Oddtour 2015

Posted 04-06-2015 at 12:53 PM by STM
It happened in a field in Lincolnshire and none of you were invited hahaha.

I went up north to stay with Vyrien for a few days which was bloody marvellous fun. We saw horses and old buildings and desecrated some graves. Also I've been enlightened as to the incredible need for cheap iced coffee; from now on I intend to drink no less than two cups a day until I die.

Also NnT made us sad.

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This Place Got Me Like

Posted 12-29-2014 at 09:13 AM by STM

For real, WoF. Why are you even a mod?
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Rayners Lane

Posted 12-05-2014 at 09:46 AM by STM
Updated 12-06-2014 at 02:20 AM by STM
I've had plenty of time to reflect on my state of affairs on my early morning commutes to work for the last few months. Two hours a day stuck on a rocketing fart box with contemptible excuses for people pretty much forces you into your own world and when I'm not reading I just kinda think about shit.

Man this is so deep already.

As I said in my last blog, things are going quite well. I'm training as a quantity surveyor and I genuinely feel like I'm starting to give...
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Swings and Roundabouts and See-saws and Slides and Climbing Frames

Posted 10-20-2014 at 12:16 PM by STM
The last month or so has been pretty busy for me. It's crazy to think I was ever in America now. I've only been back for three months but those stressful carefree days have been scrubbed from my memory.

I started work back in August as a trainee/ junior quantity surveyor and have spent the last few weeks down on a building site in South London managing a group of guys and getting a feel for what the industry is like as a whole.

It's pretty hectic and draining, the weekend...
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I Had to Kill a Pigeon.

Posted 09-13-2014 at 07:26 AM by STM
That's the first time I've ever intently killed anything bigger than an insect before and I felt absolutely shit for it.

Basically it flew into my brother's closed bedroom window, smacked its head so the flesh/ skull was showing and was standing there dazed. I picked it up wearing gardening gloves and put it down out of the cat's reach then inspected it. It's back and chest were bloody so I think it was diseased or had been got at, there was also blood coming out of its mouth so...
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Hello, I'm STM

Posted 08-24-2014 at 01:06 PM by STM
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
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I Came Out

Posted 07-31-2014 at 12:02 PM by STM
Fucking lord why is it always so awkward!

Well any way, yeah my Mum and Dad now know. My brother already knew but came down into the living room to show some support. Mum was fine with it, apparently she already had an inkling I might not be straight, which was a little embarrassing for some reason. Dad just rolled his eyes and went back to watching the rugby, not sure what that means.

It just sucks things won't be the same any more, like I've changed forever in their...
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