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A more important than last medical update.

Posted 12-23-2009 at 10:12 AM by Oddey
Well... The neck pain is gone, and it's made me oh so very happy for the fact that I can turn my head without having it pain me.

But now, when trying to grab my little sister's nose, I might have bent my finger backwards at the second joint. Now, it's all swollen and bluey, and I can't really use it for much.

I'm a little concerned about this, so I'm posting a picture of it compared to my other finger, to hear what you guys think.

Yes that's me quivering...
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Me again

Posted 12-18-2009 at 12:58 AM by Oddey
Yeah, I have another problem... To cut it short, my neck hurts whenever I bend it to the right, and while it seems to be getting better, I would like an OWFul opinion on it. I'm assuming it's from sleeping with an odd posture.

That's about it.
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Excitment and Panic for me

Posted 09-09-2009 at 04:56 AM by Oddey
Today, I had a spout of anger while playing a game, causing me to flip out and randomly press keys on my laptop. Needless to say, bad idea, as two keys fell off. After searching for them, I found that one was missing the bit to hold onto. overtaken with panic, I searched frantically for it before finally finding it. After a quick examination of the other one, I managed to get it on and stick it back in. The other one used the same thing, however it was slightly off, so I had to spend a few minutes...
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Computer Related Mishap

Posted 08-17-2009 at 06:38 AM by Oddey
I was attempting to open a video file with Windows Media Player. It opened fine, but instead of showing a video as well as audio, it only used audio. I then attempted to open the zip file it was in, using WMP. Big mistake, as that changed every zip file on my computer to a WMV file. Infuriated, I searched on the interent for a way to reverse it and found none. I then figured that I could just download them all again. Big mistake again. Upon odwloading it, the zip file changed into a WMV file again....
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Teacher for one lesson

Posted 11-13-2008 at 04:30 AM by Oddey
My english teacher has decided to let me teach one english lesson. This is probrably because my english is better than his...

So I ask the Oddworld Forums... Any suggestions as to what to do. I'm a little blank on the overall thing to teach...

Yes you may laugh at me for being clueless about what do with a chance that alot of kids want these days.
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Airline was sooo shit.

Posted 06-22-2008 at 01:07 PM by Oddey
My first flight. Delayed for four hours. Next flight delayed five hours. With more time in the airport than on the planes I was pretty damn frusterated. But does it get worse? Yes and no. The first summer house in Tampa has no internet therefore keeping me away from Moosh's and my own stories. But this second house in Orlando has both some of my favourite movies and internet. In spite of the smaller pool this place may be somewhat more enjoyable. Here for another week then off to Naples (Spelling...
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I'll be back.

Posted 06-03-2008 at 11:23 AM by Oddey
After next week I'll be in Florida. For three weeks. Therefore i won't be able to post unless one of the summerhouses has a computer with internet access. Or if my mother brings her laptop.

I'll be back after that anyway. But before I go I'll tidy up the holes I might leave. End of blog.
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Perhaps the most important and historic event ever.

Posted 05-23-2008 at 05:21 AM by Oddey
I got a haircut. My hair is now short like a normal person instead of being a foot and a half long. End.
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A short break that nobody noticed or cared about.

Posted 04-17-2008 at 06:35 AM by Oddey
I just got home from an idiotic three day trip with my class, explaining my absence. Nobody noticed I hope.
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Posted 02-12-2008 at 06:16 AM by Oddey
What a fantastic 3 days it's been.
I got to go to an awsome sceince type thing, buy loads of candy and cola from Germany, and best of all I got a Wii. It's good even if I only have one game.
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