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Yay! Good news for once!

Posted 05-03-2008 at 05:35 AM by skillyaslig
Well, my mum and I where just sitting around and watching TV (as ya do) and saw a Ad for the Wrestling (you know, the whole WWE thing, RAW, and so on) and it was happining at Christchurch, which is only about five or six hours from where we live, so Mum brought them! Yay, now I can see steriod-pumped men grope each othe up close! Though my fav dudes isn't gonna be there, damnit.
Though there will be dudes like Batista (is that how ya spell it) Kane, Hornswoggle (he isn't a wrestler, though he frequently jumps out and attacks the wrestlers lol) and such.
But we have to get up at 5am or something, though I miss out on three days of school. Right on, though I will have to do alot of homework, but yeah, I can't wait!
Total Comments 3


Wings of Fire's Avatar
Batista is cool, Kane stopped being awesome after taking his mask off.

What about HBK, 'Taker or Mysterio?
Posted 05-03-2008 at 05:38 AM by Wings of Fire

Killy's Avatar
I don't know much about WWE and the wrestlers, but sounds like this is something you're looking forward to. Hope you have fun!
Posted 05-03-2008 at 07:24 AM by Killy

skillyaslig's Avatar
Yep, Mysterio is gunna be there, so will the UnderTaker, Big Show, Edge (hope he snuffs it) and that Great Kahli guy, or whatever he is called...There are others, can't remember
Posted 05-05-2008 at 09:11 PM by skillyaslig


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