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Egypt now

Posted 02-02-2011 at 05:28 AM by abe619
well, let me explain what happened exactly.

friday, 12:00 am, no internet, no cellphone...people started going mad at the government, after the friday prayer on about 2:00 pm, protests started happening along with riots, and the cops started fighting back by throwing tear gas grenades at us, alot of people died choking including the cops themselves (and believe me, the cops DESERVED it), 5:30 pm, all of a sudden poof, no cops, no government officials, no one, protests turned to riots, fires and destruction everywhere, since there were no cops, people started stealing stuff from everywhere and everyone and started killing people, from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm, prisoners began escaping from prisons and burning them down, taking weapons with them and start rampaging, so saturday 7:00 pm, the army started appearing inside the country and some army dude came on TV telling egypt's youth to form groups around blocks armed with short range weapons like knives, swords (yes swords), giant sticks, chains, daggers...etc...and around my block, i was one of those people, and yesterday we were up like 14 hours, egyptian youth have caught over half the escaped convicts over the last 4 days, and mubarak finally yesterday said he will not be president in the polls this year, and that he formed a completely new government and will begin fixing the country, and finally the cops started coming back, and they are ofcourse not so welcome by the people since they betrayed us all...and we are recovering, one bit at a time.

i am really tired now, so i'll be talking about this later...
Total Comments 9


Dixanadu's Avatar
I'm watching the Egypt crisis right now.

Srsly everyone should just stop. Right now.
Posted 02-02-2011 at 07:31 AM by Dixanadu

T-nex's Avatar
Wow this is really quite insane.... Im sorry you have to go through this x_x

To me it sounds absolutely scary cos something like that would never happen here in cushy Denmark.
Posted 02-02-2011 at 07:55 AM by T-nex

metroixer's Avatar
Srsly everyone should just stop. Right now.
yeah fuck people for standing up for what is right!

You sound like you had quite a ride, it's good to know that you've gotten through it ok (it seems like it at least!) and it's really cool that amidst the whole thing, places like museums were kept under guard to make sure no one stole from them.
Posted 02-02-2011 at 12:16 PM by metroixer

abe619's Avatar
yes, people around the world were surprised about how we egyptian youth are protecting our lands with our blood, when the riots started getting close to the egyptian museum, people formed human shields around it.
i just came home to rest from protecting the street for a while, and i am going down there again soon.
Posted 02-02-2011 at 12:43 PM by abe619

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Stay safe.
Posted 02-02-2011 at 12:48 PM by MeechMunchie

Nate's Avatar
I know a guy who was in Egypt when this all started. The Australian department of foreign affairs contacted him to tell him to leave the country... by email.

Which, of course, meant that he didn't find out about it until he'd already left the country.

And, ontopic: be safe, abe619.
Posted 02-02-2011 at 04:06 PM by Nate

abe619's Avatar
i am, but i am also trying to keep other people safe because we are all in this together, that's why we are protecting blocks by taking a look at IDs of people who pass by.
Posted 02-02-2011 at 08:53 PM by abe619

STM's Avatar
I no I already sent you a message but I'm saying again, glad your ok! Your proper brave for forming a gang to catch escaped convicts!!
Posted 02-03-2011 at 09:33 AM by STM

used:)'s Avatar
Sounds quite courageous of you. Good luck and be safe!
Posted 02-03-2011 at 08:17 PM by used:)


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